
Sunday, March 23, 2008

The Australian Side of the Story

During his election campaign last year, Kevin Rudd, the current PM of Australia, has promised an Education Revolution to the country. Part of this revolution is to provide 1 million students to have access to 1 million computers.

Now that sounds great, right? But imagine the first thing that those kids will do once they get their hands on the computers; chatting, play games, look up their favourite celebrities, or maybe some even worse things on the internet. That wouldn't be good, would it? What was supposed to be making a revolution in education turned out to be a new problem throughout Australia. Parents will then be angry, instead of having more respect, towards Mr Rudd.

So now, there is a suggestion to include CoreChart into each of the computers. This is the same software that the Kyrgyzstan villagers are using to develop their microchip products. Retired electronics engineers have developed a proposal for the Australian PM to match his visionary one million free computers project with one million CoreChart licences in order to develop a world class knowledge based industry to fill in the void left by the departing or departed businesses like Electrolux, Mitsubishi, Motorola etc.

Imagine if 1 million Australian kids get their free computers with CoreChart pre-installed. They would then have a 10-year head start into a very sought after skill. Just look at how much CoreChart has changed the lives of those Kyrgyzstan villagers. These kids will then be able to fast track the development of world class ICT knowledge workers.

Andy Leong, a student of The University of Adelaide, South Australia, has set up a petition so that we all can support the suggestion. This petition is one of the channels that we are using to get the attention of the Australian government. Click on the title below to go to the petition:

Match PM Rudd’s One Million Free Computers with One Million Free CoreChart Licences

In particular, note comment number 97 & 98 on the petition. These are from Colin Pridham, the Co-ordinator of the Kyrgyzstan project.

Now imagine if (with your help) the Kyrgyzstan people did get their chance to present their story in WCIT, and then the Australian government did agree to the proposal. That would definitely lift Australia’s image as a world champion in poverty eradication. It will be a very strong win-win situation, both for Australians and the poor people all over the world.

That is why we need to make sure both projects are a success. The synergy of this success will definitely change the world for the better.

So wait no more and sign the petition now!

And donate now to make the effect even bigger! (click the ChipIn! button on the top left side panel to donate)

Match PM Rudd’s One Million Free Computers with One Million Free CoreChart Licences

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Hi there.

My name is Arif.

I have a confession to make.

I am affected by a disease called Teenage Affluenza.

YOU might be affected too.

Watch this video and diagnose yourself.

3 billion people in the whole world lives under the poverty line.

That is almost half of the world population.

The only cure to Teenage Affluenza is to help these less fortunate people.

This is your CHANCE.


What we do

We are raising funds to get a team of villagers from Kyrgyzstan to attend the World Congress on Information Technology (WCIT) on 18-22 May 2008 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The aim of this effort is to present a sustainable and scalable poverty eradication model to the whole world.

Why we do it

We believe that these villagers have the perfect solution to eradicate poverty by harnessing the power of technology. They not only help themselves break from the cycle of poverty, but at the same time making local businesses more profitable. Registered under the name TalasTronics (NGO), their method is truly unique – programming microchips.

How YOU can be part of it

We need your help to raise funds to pay for flight, accommodation and WCIT2008 registration fee for three TalasTronics villagers to present their Poverty Relief projects in Malaysia. The total sum anticipated is $10,000.

This is your chance to join our journey in this world-transforming effort.

If you feel that this effort is genuine and are willing to contribute, please donate.

Your $10 (or any amount you could give) could actually change the life of half of the world population. We appreciate any amount that you could offer.

You can either donate to me in cash (if you are in Adelaide), or just click the ‘ChipIn!’ button below or on the top left side panel. It will bring you to a PayPal page, where you can choose to use PayPal, major credit cards or even some bank accounts.

We all hope that the Kyrgyzstan Villagers will prove once and for all there is hope and help for the 3 billion under privileged people!

Thank you for donating and please tell your friends too. Remember, you are helping half of the world population!

Want more information?

Click on the links below to read more about this project.

Go to The Amazing Villagers

Go to The Enabling Technology

Go to The Next Step

Go to The Australian Side of the Story

Go to The Malaysian Side of the Story

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