Tuesday, April 15, 2008
This is a must watch!
The World Bank is doing a project very similar to what we are going to do.
They are getting women from rural areas of Bangladesh to sell battery-powered street lights.
Now they are looking at using solar.
This project has definitely changed the lives of those women.
Imagine if now they could make microchip embedded products instead!
My name is Arif.
I have a confession to make.
I am affected by a disease called Teenage Affluenza.
YOU might be affected too.
Watch this video and diagnose yourself.
3 billion people in the whole world lives under the poverty line. That is almost half of the world population. The only cure to Teenage Affluenza is to help these less fortunate people.
What we do
We are raising funds to get a team of villagers from Kyrgyzstan to attend the World Congress on Information Technology (WCIT) on 18-22 May 2008 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The aim of this effort is to present a sustainable and scalable poverty eradication model to the whole world.
Why we do it
We believe that these villagers have the perfect solution to eradicate poverty by harnessing the power of technology. They not only help themselves break from the cycle of poverty, but at the same time making local businesses more profitable. Registered under the name TalasTronics (NGO), their method is truly unique – programming microchips.
We need your help to raise funds to pay for flight, accommodation and WCIT2008 registration fee for three TalasTronics villagers to present their Poverty Relief projects in Malaysia. The total sum anticipated is $10,000.
If you feel that this effort is genuine and are willing to contribute, please donate.
Your $10 (or any amount you could give) could actually change the life of half of the world population. We appreciate any amount that you could offer.
You can either donate to me in cash (if you are in Adelaide), or just click the ‘ChipIn!’ button below or on the top left side panel. It will bring you to a PayPal page, where you can choose to use PayPal, major credit cards or even some bank accounts.
We all hope that the Kyrgyzstan Villagers will prove once and for all there is hope and help for the 3 billion under privileged people!
Want more information?
Click on the links below to read more about this project.
Go to The Amazing Villagers
Go to The Enabling Technology
Go to The Next Step
Go to The Australian Side of the Story
Go to The Malaysian Side of the Story